Friday, March 13, 2009

The Benefits of Study Groups!

Do you ever have trouble studying by yourself? Do you stress about forgetting something or not quite understanding a concept? There is a solution, study groups! Although sometimes you find it is easier to study alone, there can be many more benefits to studying with others.

As I prepare for an upcoming exam, I begin reviewing my notes, re-reading portions of the chapters and writing, in more detail, material that I am having trouble comprehending. The next step almost always involves either joining or forming a study for that class. Yes! I am that student who enjoys forming study groups in order to help us all understand the material thoroughly.

Benefits of forming a study group:

1. Discussing the material with other students in the group gives an overall better understanding of the topics or issues.

2. Enables students to gain new insight on the material that they otherwise may have looked over.

3. Comparing notes with other students in order to double check that the notes you have taken are similar and enables you to fill in gap areas where you may have missed something during lecture.

4. Reveals areas where you need more help or further studying.

5. Encourages you to stay ahead in your classes and manage time better.

6. Students motivate one another.

7. By explaining a topic or issue to another students it reveals how well you understand the material yourself.

8. Getting to know your classmates and which ones are truly putting an effort forth in the class, which can be a benefit if a professor wants you to form groups for a project or presentation in the class.

9. If your having trouble understanding something usually another student in the class is able to explain it to you in more simple terms.

Therefore there are many benefits to forming a study group which can ultimately help a student in a variety of different ways with their study habits and grades!

I encourage other students to form study groups because they have been a tremendous help to myself and many other students!

It is extremely simple to form a study group. Begin by contacting students in your class via email. Next, set up a time and place to meet for a few sessions before the exam. And lastly, show up to your study group!

Make it fun! Meet at Starbucks and get some coffee while you study!

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