Wednesday, June 24, 2009


So I've never been a huge fan of coffee except those sugar filled, whipped topped, blended frappacinos!! I love those!

Well one early morning this week, Josh made me a great iced coffee, just simply the coffee iced with half and half and a little sugar. I wasn't sure if I would like it or not because of its lack of sweetness but it was great!

Now I am a bigger fan of coffee because it keeps me awake and alert even when I just have a small cup because too much coffee isn't that good for you!

So I officially learned how to make coffee yesterday at work. Amyann showed me how to grind the beans and set up the coffee maker! Together we made some pretty good coffee!!

Now when Josh makes me coffee in the morning I can return the favor by making him some the next day!

I also made a wonderful cup or maybe two :) of iced coffee this morning and I'm beginning to enjoy this whole simple iced coffee thing. I'm definitely not brave enough yet to try the mysterious black coffee of which I believe could not have even close to enough of a taste for me but I am broadening my horizons!

A cup of iced coffee can keep you alert and happy your entire day!

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