Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My Top Ten Favorite Movies!!!

I enjoy watching great movies and love stories are my absolute favorite!! I'm basically a huge romance fan!!

1. The Passion of the Christ

This is the most powerful story of the ressurection of Jesus Christ I have ever seen! You will begin to truly understand what Jesus Christ went through being hung on the cross and dying for our sins only to be raised three days later by the Lord! The love Jesus Christ and God have for us is made deeply apparent in this film. You will be in tears by the end of this film!

Give me your review of the movie if you have seen it?

2. Fireproof

This is a powerful film about a married couple whose marriage is struggling. They are facing many obstacles of which they don't know how to overcome and ultimately are about to separate. The husband through his father's advice begins to read the love dare. As he reads it he begins to do something for his wife each day as the book instructs, each day seems even harder but he bears through it because he loves her. The book ultimately reveals kind things to do for each other through the instruction of the Word of God. God ultimately helps them find the love they once had for each other again with an even more powerful spark!

Give me your review of the movie if you have seen it?

3. Pride and Prejudice (I've heard that after you watch this film, you should definitely read the book becuase it is fabulous also)

This is a magnificent film about a man who is too prejudice about falling in love with a woman under his class level and a woman who is too proud to fall in love with a man who thinks he is of a higher status than her.

Give me your review of the movie if you have seen it?

4. The Notebook

This is an wonderful film about two people who fell in love and were taken away from one another because of a conflict of class and how this affects their decisions and the rest of their lives!

Give me your review of the movie if you have seen it?

5. A Walk to Remember

This is a meaningful film about the example a young woman becomes to a young man who is self centered and would not think twice about others. They are brought together on a beautiful journey and they build a bond that no one can break.

Give me your review of the movie if you have seen it?

6. Twilight

I am definitely not a fan of vampire movies because I don't believe in them; however this story is so powerful portraying love in an extraordinary way. She takes a chance with someone who could ultimately unintentionally hurt her and she never looks back.

Give me your review of the movie if you have seen it?

7. Where the Heart Is

This is a film about a pregnant woman who hated the number 5 for many understandable reasons. She was left by her boyfriend at Wal-Mart forced to live there because she had nowhere else to go all the while writing down everything she owed them. Many people came into her life helping her in different situations and when she finally has the chance for true love she may pass it up. This is a film full of twists and turns that keep you interested throughout.

Give me your review of the movie if you have seen it?

8. Miss Congeniality

Well I love Sandra Bullock, she is one of my favorite actresses. This is a cute film about a woman is a cop and generally considered one of the guys. She is forced to go undercover in a beauty pageant to discover who is writing threats against these women. Her makeover is awesome and her partner begins to see her true beauty on the outside and on the inside. Many friendships are formed and a twisting turn reveals who is plotting against the Miss America Pageant!!

Give me your review of this movie if you have seen it?

9. The Guardian

This is an exciting action film about a young man who wants to become a rescue diver. He faces many obstacles but through the help of his captain, I believe, he overcomes them all by working hard to accomplish his goal.

Give me your review of this movie if you have seen it?

10. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

This is an older film but I am definitely a fan of this movie! It is a musical film about one unexpected marriage that leads to the love of many others. Its romantic, funny, and entertaining!

Give me your review of the movie if you have seen it?

Now that I have shared my top ten favorite movies with you, I would challenge you to share your top ten with me!!

Hope you have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. Your such a romantic at heart... but so am I, so what can I say?. I know I have told you this before, but its a 3 way tie between "There's No Business Like Show Business", "You've Got Mail", and "Singing in the Rain" for me!

    Your fellow StARR,

